
华体育(中国)-华体育(中国):2021-04-29 人气:

【蒙特勒爵士音乐节将首度登陆中国杭州,始于瑞士,它是世界上规模最大、最有影响力的爵士音乐节之一,是欧洲3大爵士音乐节之首!】Switzerland’s Montreux Jazz Festival, one of the world’s biggest and oldest music events, will be staged for the first time in China in the eastern province of Zhejiang. Swiss and Chinese representatives of the festival made the announcement at a news conference over the weekend. The event will be held in the Fuyang District, in the scenic city of Hangzhou, from October 5th to 8th this year. We spoke with Ted Lo and Joyce Peng Peng, director and CEO respectively of the Montreux Jazz Festival China. 

